Thursday, February 09, 2006

Bored at work, new music, something to do....

Well, it's been too long since I posted something. I shouldn't be surprised I never get any comments! ;-)
Work has been so very slow the past few days - an occasional task that's done in a few minutes time. So I've been surfing a lot, talking with my co-workers, making 'to-do' lists and just plain thinking. Thrilling. I've found a new band I'm quickly starting to love - She Wants Revenge.
Funny how you find things sometimes. I installed Pluck a few weeks ago. Pluck is an RSS reader - basically a way of keeping up with blogs and also topics of your choosing. I put in Depeche Mode of course. Pluck gave me a link to a review of SWR, and they sounded interesting. So I used Bittorrent to download the album and an EP, and I was hooked. The album is now on my new list of must purchase CD's.
There was a day when I'd buy 20 CD's from CDNow (now Amazon. Groan.) Not anymore. The process these days is to download a bunch of music, pick out what I like and then purchase, if I ever do. I've also been getting some SACD discs. If I really love something, I'll get the CD or SACD/DVD-A. Mp3 is fine for listening on the PC, but in the car or on the home stereo, I'm still an audiophile and mp3's sound like crap on a good stereo. But I digress.

I was bored, remember? Flow of consciousness huh? That may be a real insight into how my brain has been working lately. 100 different directions, always feeling busy and like I'm not getting anything done! Hmm. what topics have I been thinking about lately...
When I'm at work, I can surf like mad - which I suppose has contributed to my issues. Gadgets, movies, commentary, gossip, HDTV, deals and DIGG...
Keeping up with all this has been fun. Not that I buy gadgets, see many movies, watch much HD or buy stuff. Guess I do at least get to read all the wonderful things on Digg about computers, astronomy, science and on and on.

Maybe I just need to meditate, try yoga or something.

[to be continued]

It's now 2pm and the long haul to 5 has begun....
Halo2 at lunch today was fun. a full house, too - 8 of us. I might have to bring my xbox in again if we have that many. The new hires are picking it up very quickly.
Wow, that Wendy's burger has me yawning....

I've been re-arranging/cleaning up all my data files at home. I purchased a nice big 320G HD to put all the stuff (mostly music). My goal is to organize things enough to then begin making backups to DVD. Eventually I'd like a blu-ray or HD=dvd drive (30G+ would be nicer than 4G!), but that will be a awhile. The biggest task is cleaning up a bunch of mp3's I received from a friend - all disorganized and mislabelled. I made an attempt a few months ago to use MusicBrainz but that became a real chore. Almost more work by itself. I could tell it was mislabelling things even more. I like the concept of the tool - it has a database of 'tags' of mp3's to allow you to compare your mp3 against the database - which has all the info of the file, which it can then rename and populate the ID3 tags. Problem is, it appears to me that the method they use to generate the tags isn't specfic enough. There are too many examples of "Is it "Dance to the Music by Sly and the Family Stone" or is it "polka polka polka by Frankie Yankovic". Ok, that decision might be easy, but there are lots more examples. Thing is, wouldn't you expect polka music to be very different from funk? Why would they be even close to the same?? I think it needs more work....
So I have gigs of files to sort thru. I may just bite the bullet for now and keep the unsorted as is - and keep the mp3's I generated personally (and was very careful about) separate. Wow, boring stuff huh? Still reading this far?
Speaking of Sly - did you see him on the Grammy's?

Wow, that's one helluva look. That's Sly on the right, Gremlin on the left. At least Sly made it to the gig.

[to be continued when the urge hits me]


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