Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Googling your name....

Yesterday I decided to plug some old names into Google to see what I might find. One of them was Pater Mauzey. I was very surprised to find a Wikipedia entry about him!

Peter is a good friend that I keep in touch with occasionally, and has been a big influence on my life. I've had an interest in electronics and gadgets as long as I can remember - tearing apart toys when I was little to get the motors for other uses, to now having a career in programming. When I was in high school I joined the Explorers at Bell Labs in Holmdel. Peter was one of the guys running the post that dealt with programming (I was also in another post that was electronics). While there I got to learn Pascal (on punch cards!) as well as a compiled Basic named 'Bas'. Once I got to know Peter a little more, I found out about his background with the Columbia/Princeton Electronic Music Center. Another keen interest of mine is music - especially electronic music. Eventually I got to visit the music center and met Vladimir Ussachevsky, built some new amplifiers for the lab, and got to play with some of the equipment. I can recall the RCA Mark II being quite an ominous bank of equipment I never got very close to. If I can dig up the tape maybe I'll post a sample of some of the noise I made there.
Peter was also quite a pack rat when it came to magazines - the amazing thing was, if you mentioned a topic to him he could reach into a pile of (neatly) stacked issues of Byte or some other tech mag of the era and present you with an artical on the subject! I recall he had a Merlin, one of the first handheld electronic games.

I can't be certain yet, but it appears the wiki entry about Peter was written by another fellow from the Explorer post - Blaine Garst (Blainster? hmmm). I did some poking around and it appears Blaine works at Apple. I recall Blaine having lots of hair, playing 'Go' and being exceptionally intelligent. He helped me out once with a little heat-paper printer I wanted to hook up to my old Elf II. Blaine has a patent or two.

Peter introduced me to Steve Perry, who worked at K.E.P. and got me my first job in the engineering field, first working during college. It's really been wonderful working at something that was originally my hobby. Thanks, Peter.

Hello and Welcome

Well, I've decided to start a blog.

Here you'll find the following:
- Updates on my daughter Charlotte, and my wife, MB
(Pictures, etc)

- What might be interesting to me at the moment
(Links elsewhere)

- Perhaps some posts on people I've known thru the years
(I'm getting older, and lately my thoughts have gone back to folks I've lost touch with...)

Basically, the usual stuff that really might only be of interest to you if you know me!

Drop me a note if you have suggestions or just want to say hi.
